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Sunday 29 June 2008

Pray For Me

I need to some how come up with $250 by July 1st for rent...since I lost my job. Rachid wont help me out at all...he will only give me $700 for the rent. Shouldn't husband and wife support eachother in time of need? How many times have I supported him when he wasn't working...he was always looking for a job when he had to work cash. He's a peice of shit that I now know 100% that I must get rid of. This is not a marriage that I'm in...roomates are better then him. Even if I had a roomate and they lost their job and needed a little help I would be understanding and help them out that month...he is not a man...he was a waste of time.

I pray that I get this Telus job...if I don't, I don't know what I will do. I am so upset and confused right now...I don't know how I can live without it. I need to get out of here once and for all and never look back. I need to find a cute basement apartment for like $600/month. I have to get a divorce asap.

Please pray for me to stay strong through this all.


  1. I have been reading your blog for a while now, and Hun you have to get him out of your life before it's too late. I too have been in an abusive relationship and it took a lot to get out of it. Trust me your life will be better once he's not in it.
    God bless.

  2. It does seem very wrong that your husband will not help with the rent. I am purring and purring for you.


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