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Monday 17 June 2024

Top 10 Alzheimer's Signs and Symptoms #Alzheimer's #dementia

My grandmother was diagnosed with advanced Alzheimer's over three years ago, and we just assumed she was extremely forgetful or just part of old age. I look back now and realize that there were plenty of warning signs long before we even suspected something was wrong. Maybe if we knew the top signs and symptoms, we might have been able to prolong the progression.

Here's the top 10 signs and symptoms:

1. Memory Loss.
Forgetting recently learned information is one of the most common early signs of dementia. A person begins to forget more often and is unable to recall the information later.

What's normal? Forgetting names or appointments occasionally.

2. Difficulty Performing Familiar Tasks.
People with dementia often find it hard to plan or complete everyday tasks. Individuals may lose track of the steps involved in preparing a meal, placing a phone call or playing a game.

What's normal? Occasionally forgetting why you came into a room or what you planned to say.