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Thursday, 22 December 2022

Christmas Greetings, Wishes, Quotes and SMS Messages! #happyholidays #merrychristmas #quotes #sms

Brianna, © 2022

Christmas is a marvelous time of the year. Your wait is over and it's time to welcome family and friends with your love and gifts. It's a time of year that many go to church, cook delicious meals and spend time with family. Apart from this take some time out from your busy schedule to share Christmas love and cheer with your loved ones, near and far.

Christmas comes from the words 'Christ' and 'Mass', meaning the day the Mass of Christ is held. The mass is to celebrate the birth of Jesus but not his actual birthday. Pope Julius 1 officially declared that the celebration of the birth of Jesus would be on the 25th December, somewhere between years 335 CE and 345 CE. Little did he know it would spread to so many cultures and religions.
With Christmas being one of the biggest Christian holidays, it has grown well beyond religion and celebrated by many around the world. It's a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who to Catholics consider to be the son of God. However, it's grown to become a festival around the world to celebrate with your family and friends. On this special day it's a great time to send a message to all your loved ones, especially whether you're meeting them on that day or not. Here's some ideas for messages via SMS, and social media greetings that you can send them.

Christmas Wishes:

May the light of Christmas be your sun that you may never walk in obscurity; I offer you this season’s gifts of Joy and unending testimonies. Merry Christmas!

Yuletide is a season of peace, goodwill and abundance of mercy, may the joy of Christ’s birth ignite your heart with gladness and laughter. Merry Christmas!

Thinking of you during the holiday season and wishing you the best in all things. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

In this loveliest of seasons may you find many reasons for happiness. Merry Christmas and lots of love from our family to yours!

May this holiday season be full of surprises and cheers, simply because you deserved the best.

Share the joy of Christmas to those around you to make your Christmas merrier and brighter. Happy Holidays!

Christmas Messages:

May you be showered with love, happiness, and joy this Christmas. Merry Christmas, dear.

My biggest Christmas present is having you by my side, my friend. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Your love is everything that keeps me alive and makes me feel complete. Merry Christmas, I love you so much!

Thank you for giving my life a new meaning. Because of you, all my Christmas holidays are magical and blissful. Merry Christmas to you!

You are one of those blessings for whom I always thank Jesus every Christmas. Merry Christmas to the man I love.

All I want this Christmas is your love. Your love keeps me warm on this cold night. Merry Christmas to my man.

With you in my life, I will never have to worry about being lonely and unloved at Christmas! You’re the special person I love to think about always. Merry Christmas!

Christmas Greetings:

May the magic of Christmas gladden your heart with the joys of the season. May the spirit of Christmas bless you with greater strength. May the promise of Christmas bring you and yours endless blessings.

It is easy to get lost in the flurry of activity during the holiday season. May you get time to take in the beauty and true meaning of the season and have a Merry Christmas!

I hope this festive season will bring good luck and good health for you and your family. Sending you a very warm wish of Christmas!

Wishing you the most amazing Christmas of your life and praying to the Lord to help you be a better person than ever. May God always bless you. I love you so much.

Wishing you everlasting joy, love, and peace on this spectacular occasion. Merry Christmas!

Check out these social media statuses for Christmas: 

Wishing all my near and dear ones a wonderful and safe Merry X-mas! 

May the blessings of Almighty shower upon you today and lead you to the path of prosperity and immense happiness. Merry Christmas! 

This is a day to be grateful for all the wonderful things that you possess in life, and thank the Lord for blessing you with his glory! Have a blessed Christmas! 

The charm of Santa Claus, the taste of tasty delicacies, the spirit of Christmas is all around the air! Merry Christmas everyone! 

The bells are jingling, the balls are rolling, the stars shine bright on the Christmas tree. May this sparkle always brighten your life! 

Whatever is meaningful, whatever is beautiful, and whatever brings you joy, may it be yours this Christmas! 

Raise a glass or two and celebrate this wonderful occasion of love, laughter, and everything nice! Merry Christmas to you and your dear ones! 

May you be blessed with Christ’s immense strength, and Mother Mary’s immense kindness on Christmas. Have a wonderful day and a beautiful year ahead! 

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, Oh what fun it is to have such a lovely day today! A very joyous and cheerful Christmas to you and your family! 

This Christmas, I wish you all the happiness and success in life that you can wish for! Merry Christmas! 

Christmas brings with it joy and laughter, love and happiness. I wish all of this for you in abundance. Merry Christmas! 

Cheerful Christmas greetings to you and your family! 

Be merry and ring away the season of joy and celebration! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

X-mas greetings to all! Let this year remove all the sorrows from your life and bring in immense happiness!
Christmas Quotes:

“Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas everyday.” - Helen Steiner Rice.

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ”
- Norman Vincent Peale

“Christmas gift suggestions: to your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.” ~ Oren Arnold

“Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.” ~ Ruth Carter Stapleton

“Christmas is not just a time for festivity and merry making. It is more than that. It is a time for the contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving.” ~ J. C. Penney

“There are some people who want to throw their arms round you simply because it is Christmas; there are other people who want to strangle you simply because it is Christmas.” – Robert Staughton Lynd

“The principal advantage of the non-parental lifestyle is that on Christmas Eve you need not be struck dumb by the three most terrifying words that the government allows to be printed on any product: ‘Some assembly required." – John Leo

“May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; The spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas which is love.” ~ Ada V. Hendricks

“One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don’t clean it up too quickly.” ~ Andy Rooney

"My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?" ~ Bob Hope 

"Christmas is not a date. It is a state of mind." ~ Mary Ellen Chase 

"Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling." ~ Edna Ferber 

"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." ~ Charles Dickens 

"Peace on earth will come to stay, When we live Christmas every day." ~ Helen Steiner Rice 

"I don’t think Christmas is necessarily about things. It’s about being good to one another." ~ Carrie Fisher 

"Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends." ~ Margaret Thatcher

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my readers... be safe.

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