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Saturday, 8 September 2012

Resource Natural Spring Water with Electrolytes: $25 Spa Gift Card Giveaway!

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Since I've had my gastric bypass surgery, I've come across a few bumps along the way. I've lost over 100Lbs which is good, but every now and then I find myself having some difficulties. What I mean by that is, the part about having weight loss surgery that isn't pleasant, is that you can have dumping syndrome at times. You may also end up with some unwanted conditions that will require some major changes in your diet. Electing to have the surgery requires a major lifestyle change: no junk food, no pop, no nuts or seeds, no fruits or veggies that have touch skin (unless it's removed), no foods high in fat, no foods high in sugar, etc. Many people become lactose intolerant, and/or develop IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). I personally have experienced a little of everything, which in the end causes terrible dumping-like symptoms. How do I replace what I've lost without the added sugar of a sports drink? Well, there's Resource Natural Spring Water.

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Resource Natural Spring Water is more than just hydration, it’s total electrolytenment. Electrolytenment is about living a more holistic life – you can find it anywhere, but it starts with resource spring water – 100% sustainably sourced with natural electrolytes for taste in a bottle made of 50% recycled plastic.

A little while ago I ended up becoming quite sick in nature. The so called "virus" lasted exactly 14 days, which was literally two weeks of hell. Everything I ate, zoomed through me within 20 minutes of eating. I wasn't able to keep any food in me, which left me weak, dehydrated, fatigued, and of course in incredible pain. After one week of basically living on the toilet, I ended up in the emergency room. With having no nutrients in me for over a week, I had lost a significant amount of weight, and in need of an IV for fluids. After numerous tests, they sent me home with the instructions to drink plenty of fluids including sports drinks for the electrolytes. In the IV it naturally contains electrolytes, but who wants to sit in a hospital for hours with a needle stuck in their arm? Being someone who has had weight loss surgery, I'm not able to have anything that contains 10g or sugar or more... leaving almost every sports drink unmanageable. Now that I have found Resource Natural Spring Water, I don't have to worry again!

Wanna chance to win a $25 spa and wellness gift card by Spa Week, with compliments of Resource? Yes... of course you do! Must be 18+ and a resident of the USA to qualify.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Content and/or other value provided by our partner, resource natural spring water, for the purpose of a review. I am not paid to write this review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.

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