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Saturday, 29 October 2011

Woman's Guide to Fasting, by Lisa E. Nelson

With warmth and experience, Lisa Nelson's Woman's Guide to Fasting provides everything you need to know to make fasting a natural and powerful part of your life. Offering insight and realistic practical advice, she addresses feeding your family while fasting, busy work schedules, and other considerations of concern to women. Includes tips for all types of fasts, no matter what religion.

Christians often give up on fasting, or don't try it at all, because they lack thorough advice. Most fasting books explain the biblical reasons to fast, but they provide inadequate practical guidance. Woman's Guide to Fasting shows women the essential steps to successful fasting. Key topics include how to prepare physically and spiritually, what to expect during the fast, and how to reintroduce food. Whether the reader has never fasted before or has tried it occasionally, or wants to fast for one meal or for several days, this unique resource will equip and encourage her to grow closer to God through fasting.

I have fasted in the past and found it to be quite difficult at times. There's so many different types of fasting... for many different religions. This book is mainly written in the Christian perspective, however, would fit for any religion when it comes to fasting. I was raised Catholic and used to fast during lent, and after my first marriage I married a Muslim and fasted during Ramadan. I wish I had this book prior to fasting, as it goes into great detail of how your body will react. Excellent book for anyone who fasts or looking to fast!

I received an item for review for my honest opinion. I was not compensated for this post. All opinions are my own, and others may vary.

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