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Saturday, 29 October 2011

My Health is Getting Better, but Still Have More to Lose!

The last year has been crazy when it comes to my health. I've been through so much... two major surgeries, depression, anxiety/panic attacks and hypoglycemia. The first surgery was to remove my right ovary and Fallopian tube... my PCOS was so out of control that my ovary was overtaken by a tumor. The tumor was huge, the surgeon compared the tumor to an orange... made up of many sections. It was the size of a full grown baby by the time it was removed, and thank God it wasn't cancerous. I'm terrified that if I have to have my left ovary removed... I'd join the Menopause community early. I'm not sure if I want to have children, but I still want to be able to have the choice. I don't want to go through menopause symptoms in my early 30's.

My second surgery was for gastric bypass, and I have to say it was the best decision that I've ever made. I struggled with my weight for most of my life, and nothing seemed to work. After the health problems I was having... PCOS, hypertension, depression... my weight was climbing over 300Lbs and I had to do something.  The whole process took about a year, and that includes the application process to get it covered through OHIP. In my mind I wasn't sure if I would go through with it, and almost chickened out. The panic and anxiety morning of the surgery almost made me cancel. Thank God I didn't cancel... it was the biggest and best decision of my life.

Since the surgery in March 2011, I've lost over 100Lbs, no longer on high blood pressure medications, my PCOS is under control and my left ovary actually shrunk to a more normal size. I'm not as depressed as before, however, I still suffer from the occasional panic attack. Hopefully with the big change in weight it will help prevent the removal of my left ovary and early menopause, as well as help reduce my depression and panic attacks. I'm still writing regularly on my weight loss progress, so keep an eye out for updates!


  1. I just wanted to say that I stumbled across your blog today and this is such a wonderful and encouraging post! Congratulations on going through with the procedure, it took a lot of bravery to take that step that helps you get in control of your life and your health.

    I've followed you on NetworkedBlogs and I look forward to hearing about more in the future.

  2. The whole process took about a year, and that includes the application process to get it covered through OHIP. In my mind I wasn't sure see story if I would go through with it, and almost chickened out. The panic and anxiety morning of the surgery almost made me cancel. Thank God I didn't cancel... it was the biggest and best decision of my life.


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