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Thursday 29 September 2011

GNC $50 Gift Certificate Giveaway!

I never used to really care about vitamins, protein supplements, fitness or eating well, but since I've had life altering weight loss surgery... they are at the top of my list of priorities. You don't have to have surgery for these things to be important... we should all take care of our health. GNC is a store known for their health and wellness products, and their moto is "Live Well"!

The last little while I've been having trouble getting enough protein after my gastric bypass surgery. I'm supposed to be getting a minimum of 60grams of protein a day, but I'm not getting nearly enough. With it being 6 months since surgery, my hair has started thinning out and my nails won't seem to grow. I know this is due to the malabsorption caused by the surgery, and I have a hard time stomaching any protein shakes.

I recently tried a product called IDA Sports New Whey Liquid Protein, also known as New Whey Bullet. The product was recommended by my dietitian at the bariatric clinic and each shot contains 42g of protein. I have looked for this product everywhere in Canada, but no one seems to sell it in the stores. The best deal is to purchase it online via GNC, and take advantage of any offer that they may have for the month. The beauty of this product is that it has 0g fat, 0g sugar, lactose, gluten and caffeine free!

Want to get the most for the money you spend? Well, GNC has an ongoing promotion where you can save 20% off the first week of every month. Join their Gold program and get a Gold Membership card for only $15 a year. If you buy the New Whey Liquid Protein 12 Package twice a year, the money you would be saving by having the Gold Card basically pays for itself.

Thanks to GNC, one lucky winner will get a chance to win a $50 gift certificate! To qualify you must be a resident of either the US or Canada.

I did not receive an item for review, and shared my honest opinion. I was not compensated for this post. GNC has offered a $50 gift certificate for the purposes of a giveaway on this blog. All opinions are my own, and others may vary.


  1. I would like to try the New Whey Bullet as well but in raspberry.

  2. Remington® Wet 2 Straight, 2" Flat Iron S-8001

  3. I really love the Pure Protein bars in chocolate peanut butter!
    sbabij2 at shaw dot ca

  4. milk muscle shark

  5. I like the GNC Women's Ultra Mega® Energy and Metabolism
    ksceviour at hotmail dot com

  6. Favorite product: Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard™ Double Rich Chocolate!

  7. skinny girl green lemonade
    ryanac32 at yahoo dot com

  8. My fave item would be the GNC Women's Ultra Mega® Energy

  9. FRS® Health Energy® Low Calorie Liquid Concentrate - Orange
    amandahoffman35 at yahoo dot com

  10. The women's multivitamin


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