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Thursday, 29 September 2011

Good Vibrations: October Breast Cancer Month

With October almost here, it's time for Breast Cancer month. Giving is sexy! Good Vibrations is a proud partner of the National Breast Cancer Coalition. Purchase any of the items via the picture below, between September 15th and October 31st and they will contribute 10% of the sale to NBCC. You can also contribute directly at check-out, where 100% of your donation goes to NBCC. Check out their comprehensive donations program or feel your pink power now!

You can see more about them at To achieve their mission of ending breast cancer, they focus on the following three main goals:

RESEARCH: Increasing appropriations for high-quality, peer-review research and working within the scientific community to focus research on prevention and finding a cure.

ACCESS: Increasing access for all women to high-quality treatment and care, as well as breast cancer clinical trials.

INFLUENCE: Increasing the influence of women living with breast cancer and other breast cancer activists in the decision making that impacts all issues surrounding breast cancer.

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