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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Day 2 of Liquid Diet

Day 2 of my liquid diet and every commercial on TV is making my mouth water. My neighbour is cooking some sort of beef and it makes me want to attack like a savage wolf! I'm getting moody... moodier then usual! I hope the hunger pains and headache disappears eventually... I hope it will get easier soon.

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  1. Best of luck Kimberly. Just try to take it easy and focus on your goal. Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and cheering you on ~Jocelyn xo

  2. I am a new follower. Please follow me back. Thanks

  3. Stopping in from Thirsty Thursday. I am a new follower here.

    Wakela's World

    I have often thought of doing the liquid diets. Unfortunately that is far as I get. I just think about it. It's probably why my weight is way out of control.

  4. Girl, you're doing wonderfully! Stay strong and you'll soon be rewarded, you'll see :)



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