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Sunday, 2 January 2011

About My Holidays!

I never did tell everyone how my holidays went. I was too busy getting over a cold and then my PCOS acted up yet again. I had family over Christmas Eve for dinner, and it went well. It was an Indian themed dinner, with samosas, butter chicken, matar paneer, roasted eggplant, veggies, rice and naan. Of course we had to finish the meal some yummy Indian sweets. I had cooked for an army and I finally finished the leftovers today.

Christmas I woke up at mom and grandma's place and had fun opening gifts with the princess Molly! Christmas night we all went to my aunts home for dinner... yum! The last couple of weeks was not good for my weight loss mission. I'm afraid to weigh myself... I will do it tomorrow in the morning. I have been lazy when it comes to writing everything down that I eat, and weighing the serving.

The holidays was very hard for me, as my PCOS was the worst it ever was in my life. I was flowing more then I have ever before. I actually thought I would have to go to the hospital after everyone left Christmas eve. Halfway through the night I was done... wasn't able to do anything else. I had no energy... the blood was just pouring out of me. I thought I was bleeding to death, but I didn't want to ruin the party. I have to thank mom and grandma for helping me through the night, with the clean up.

Christmas day wasn't much better when it came to the hemorrhaging. I pretended that I was fine and held a smile on my face. I just thought to myself, if I was going to die I would rather die at home with the love of my family, then spend anymore time in a hospital. Sounds retarded... yes I know. I just wanted Christmas to be perfect. It turned out to be a great day, but I was glad to go home and sleep.

Oh, I can't believe I almost forgot to tell you all... my boyfriend proposed Christmas Eve!

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  1. I just have to comment that I love the name of your blog! :)

    new follower - come visit me at

    Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas

  2. Yay! Congrats, beautiful ring :)


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