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Wednesday 18 August 2010

Thank You To All My Readers

Thank you to all my followers that wished me well the last couple days...very kind of you. Today was just the information session, which I already knew most of the stuff that they discussed. One of the dietitians was there talking about the procedure, and explained what happens when you have the gastric bypass surgery. She briefly explained the restrictions that you would face post surgery, as well as before the surgery.

They had a form that had to be signed and dated stating whether you wanted to continue with the surgery or not. I guess they assume once they state 1 out of 200 people die from it... that many would change their minds. Probably true... but I signed and I'm eager for next weeks class. She said that next weeks class is more informative... where they discuss what vitamins to start taking, what foods you can and can't eat to get you prepared.

1 in 200 is quite more then I expected, but I know I have to have this surgery. Yo-yoing up and down between 260Lbs and 300Lbs just isn't healthy, and it will kill me. If I don't have this done, I don't know how long I will live... and I know the quality of life would suck. It seems that the only passion I have lately is for my blog and for the surgery... it makes me feel like there's hope and that there's people out there who understand.

Thank you to everyone who had commented and follow me on a regular basis... and even to those who stop in once in a while. I know how time passes so quickly, and I don't always get a chance to comment directly on every ones blog... but I am thinking of all of you.

Since I was at my mom's and busy the last couple days, I didn't get a chance to really blog... so bare with me while I try to catch up on replies and stuff. I also got tagged by a sweetheart and won another award... so I will be working on getting the proper thank you posts up.

All the best,

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  1. Glad to hear that your visit went well.
    My mother -in -law had that surgery about 4 years ago, she said it was the best decision she ever made! I wish you luck:)

  2. You're going to have a new follower. I have a new "secret" site. "Drinking With The Diva" ;)

  3. See, I'm here! I really hope you're feeling better Kim.

  4. I am just getting caught up on my blog reading and I wanted to say Good Luck to you. Sincerly. I have seen good results from others, and I have heard only 1 horror story. Many blessings to you!

  5. Yeah on the good visit.

  6. I am following you from Blog Hop. Would love for you to follow me back.

  7. Good luck with the surgery. I'm a new Wednesday Window follower.

    Becky @

  8. You're brave for taking action and I look forward to following your journey! :)


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