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Friday 14 March 2008

Bon Jovi Concert in Toronto ACC - March 12, 2008

I have to say that March 12th was an amazing night. I went to go see Bon Jovi in concert at the ACC and it was fuckin awesome. It was the best concert I've ever been to and I will never forget it. I have to thank my mother for the best christmas gift ever!!! I ended up bringing my cousin Danielle since Rachid didn't really care if he went...I guess it's a girlie thing. We had awesome if we stayed sitting the whole night! We were in the 39th row on the floor, right next to the sound and security area. Half way through the concert Bon Jovi disappeared...a minute later he was standing next to me singing Bed of Roses!!!!

I managed to take a few small clips with my cell phone video recorder...the sound kinda of sucks and the quality isn't the greatest...but hey it's a memory that I will have forever!!!

1 comment :

  1. Isn't he handsome?! I was at the same show as you.


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