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Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Day 1 of Self Isolation - Working from Home #selfisolation #workingfromhome #lockdownontario #CanadaCovid19

Today is the first day that I'm working from home, along with the little Munchkin being sick. She has a cough that she can't seem to shake... she's had it now for a couple weeks. It disappears, but keeps coming back.

I had started writing this post prior to starting my day of work... it's now 10PM and I'm back writing more. It was a hell of a day, and I have no idea how the fuck I'm going to get through 2 - 3 weeks of this without losing my mind! Working from home with a young child is a major challenge, super stressful, and I can't wait to go back to my regular routine of working in an office. Don't get me wrong, there were awesome moments with the Munchkin... plenty of smiles, laughter and short periods of time of silence. I should have known that if it's silent, something is being destroyed! Ah... I was too busy working to really notice the destruction. What was a clean apartment this morning, now looks like a tornado from Toys R Us swept through it.

I'm sure many families out there are going through the same thing. With the virus spreading so quickly, countries are taking drastic measures trying to prevent the spread. Today Ontario was declared a state of emergency... scary stuff. So many things have closed until further notice, and only the essentials are open.

Well, it's time to relax on the couch and watch some Big Brother Canada. Wish me luck for the rest of the week!


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