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Saturday, 31 August 2019

Today was her last day at daycare #growingtoofast

Brianna, © 2019
Today was Brianna's last day at daycare, and I don't think she really understand it. It breaks my heart when she keeps singing...

"Goodbye Bridlegrove, goodbye Bridlegrove, goodbye Bridlegrove... I'm sad to see you go. We've learned so much, we've learned so much, we've learned so much..." and that's about as much as I can remember at the moment. I might be a bit off, but it's a 4 year old that's singing the song... probably isn't 100% accurate!

I can't believe how fast time flies... it was just the beginning of last summer that she started daycare. It had taken me so long to get subsidy for it, that it was the soonest she could attend. It almost seems like she's growing every month or so... even her shoes that fit at the beginning of summer, are now snug on her feet.

With new shoes, school uniform, new backpack and a nervous mom, I hope that Brianna's first day of jr kindergarten is a happy and memorable experience.

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