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Saturday, 11 June 2016

Getting Ready For My Annual Camping Trip & Bringing My New Flashlights From #brightoutdoors

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Cooking ribs on the campfire - last year... yum!

It's that time of year again when I start planning my annual camping trip. Every year on the August long weekend here in Ontario, Canada, my friends and I usually try and get away for a few days. Last year I wasn't able to get away, since my daughter had just been born. I debated going away this year with her only being one years old old, but I need a little mini vacation more than ever! Assuming mom and grandma will be babysitting, I will be heading to the woods for three and a half days of fun. I already have a nice collection of camping gear, in which I keep adding to on an annual basis. This year I have some awesome Safety Lights from the company The Bright Outdoors... and I can't wait to use them.

When it comes to camping, you can never bring too many flashlights. I find that everyone in the group is always looking for one, even if each have a couple. You never know when one might decide to crap out on you, especially when you're in the dark on the way to the washroom. Nothing creepier than your flashlight dying in the middle of the woods, on your way back to the tent alone. Yes, I've had it happen to me a few times. I have learned to carry two with me at all times once it's dark.

My latest addition to my camping collection, is a pair of little mini safely lights. Now, these don't necessarily have to be used strictly for camping... they're perfect for athletes of all kind. With them being tiny in size, they are perfect for joggers, runners, bikers, dog walkers, and many more.

The lights arrived in a small little box, which actually fit through my mail slot while I was out. The box sports a clear plastic window, which gives you a view of the pair of lights... one being red and the other black.  They come with two little mini USB cords for charging, two silicone-like bands that easily wrap around your fingers, and two straps that can attach to your bike handlebars, etc.

Even though these safety lights are only 1 x 1.75", they are incredibly powerful. Using the LED technology, these will light up a wide range space, with a choice of 4 settings. Since there's two of these, it's perfect to place one at the front of your bike, and then one at the back... so you'll be properly seen. Or, you could have one on each hand while you're walking or jogging.

I'm still finalizing the details of my camping trip for this summer, but no matter what, I can't wait to put these to use!

Interested in buying something from Bright Outdoors for someone as a gift, or for yourself? Sure you are... click here to grab yours today. Interested in checking out their Facebook page? Of course you do... you never know when you may come across a deal!

I received an item(s), in exchange for my honest opinion, and a review of my experience. I did not receive any other compensation or incentive nor was I required to write a positive review. Individual results or experiences may vary.

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