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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Happy Tuesday/Monday!

It's a Tuesday here, but it's actually my Monday. Yes, I've been starting work on Tuesdays the last little while, but by the end of the month I will end up with Thursday and Friday's off.

I'm currently working, although I've completed what I needed to do for the moment... so Facebook time! I came across a post that made me laugh, so I had to post it here. It's the picture to the right of where I'm writing... perfect for a Tuesday/Monday kind of day. I'm not one to normally be late for work... actually I'm always early. But if I was someone who's late on a regular basis... I wonder what my boss would say to a text message like the one in the picture?!!!

I have no excuses when it comes to being late for work... I work from home. Yes, I can work in my pj's if I really wanted... but I actually bathed and got dressed today! It's day 1 of the week, so I try and look like I'm working. By Saturday though, I will most likely be sitting at the computer in my pj's.

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