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Sunday, 25 January 2015

Relief For Back Pain!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

It's been quite a while since I've suffered with bad back pain. I guess that's due to me losing over 100lbs, however, now that I'm pregnant I'm probably going to have some back discomfort towards the end of my pregnancy. When I did suffer from back pain, I found it quite difficult to stand for a long period of time. How did I try to deal with it? Well, popping some pain killers helped... although I can't exactly do that now, as I don't want to harm my little angel.

I was contacted by a company called BodyRyzm LifeSciences to review their Qi Orthopedic Pillow. Originally when I received the package, I was slightly confused. I have a  bad habit of not reading instructions right away. So when I saw that the pillow was completely flat, I thought what a waste. It wasn't until my mother took a look at it and noticed the writing on the label that stated "Must read first"! Yes, I felt slightly retarded that I didn't notice it... I had though the pillow was broken! What's special about this pillow? Don't let the flat appearance in the beginning fool you... you're supposed to blow it up to the pressure that fits to your liking.

Since I haven't had back pain for quite some time, I ended up giving mine to my grandmother... she suffers from back pain quite often. She normally uses it when she's watching television for a long period of time, especially if she's been doing some extra work around the house. I've also tried the pillow, and found it to be quite comfortable. I would most likely bring it to work, as I sit at a desk all day.

Would I recommend this product? Yes... and I will most likely wanna steal it back from my grandmother in a few months! Where can you get one of these pillows? You can find it on Amazon, as well as QVC website... click here to visit. Interested in checking out their Facebook page? Sure you are... you  never know when you may come across a deal!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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