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Tuesday, 16 July 2013

3 DIY Ways to Amp Up Hair Volume (Without a Blow Dry or Hairspray)

There is something about summer that makes me crave pretty, bouncy hair that’s got an extra pep in every swish. Unfortunately, there is also something about summer that makes hair go horribly limp and lifeless, despite all the backcombing and volumizers that I throw at it on a regular basis. And speaking of the latter, anyone else HATES that crunchy, flaky feeling brought on by volumizers and those new hair powders? I can’t wash them out off my hair fast enough! Time then, to turn to the hair experts who treat flat and dull hair right at the root and dig out their secret recipes for hair that’s full of volume all day, every day.

Body & Bounce Beer Shampoo

There are few things that give hair as much body, bounce and shine as plain old beer. I am constantly swiping half-full bottles from my husband (being more of a Champagne and cocktails person myself), leading to many Sunday afternoon battles. Especially if Formula 1 is in motion… but that’s a different story altogether.


1 cup beer (any inexpensive beer will do – fresh or flat)
1 cup department store shampoo

What To Do

Boil the beer in a small saucepan over medium heat until it’s reduced to 1/4 the quantity.
Add the reduced beer to the shampoo and stir well.
Pour the shampoo into a clean bottle; there is no need to refrigerate.
Shampoo as normal and rinse well.

Egg & Brandy Hair Revitalizer

Brandy (or cognac) stimulates hair roots and improve circulation in the scalp, thus making your hair look fuller and stronger. The eggs nourish strands with proteins and fats to keep them smooth and shiny. And the essential oils help mask the smell of brandy – which is a personal choice.


2-3 egg yolks, depending on your hair length
4-5 tablespoons brandy or cognac
1 tablespoon caster sugar
10 drops geranium essential oil (optional)
5 drops lemon essential oil (optional)

What To Do

Whisk egg yolks with cognac, adding just enough caster sugar to make a thick paste.
If using essential oils add them and stir well.
Apply the mask to dry, unwashed hair. Cover your head with a shower cap and wrap it with a towel. Leave for 20 minutes or more.
Rinse off and follow with a mild shampoo.

Grape & Clay Hair Volumizer

Clay helps remove the excess oils that make hair look limp and dull. Grapes feed the scalp with antioxidants, while helping to gently polish away dead skin cells. Result: healthy, shiny, bouncy hair.


2-3 cups grape juice
1 tablespoon white clay
1 cup green tea
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

What To Do

Combine all ingredients in a glass bottle and shake well.
Shampoo your hair as usual.
Pour this mixture liberally over wet hair, then massage lightly into scalp and along your hair length.
Allow to remain on your hair for a minute, then rinse off with cool water.
Towel dry your hair and style as usual.

Have you tried any of these recipes for amping up the volume of your hair? What’s your secret tip for va va voom locks?

About the author: 
Beauty Editor turned blogger: Cosmopolitan. Marie Claire. Vogue. Casaviva. Her name is Anubha Charan, and she has a blog that focuses on beauty and wellness… navigating through ancient remedies and scientific solutions to promote beauty from within, as well as beauty products that are also good for you.

Check out her blog: The Beauty Gypsy, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest!

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