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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Time to Motivate Yourself to Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker, you have most likely heard every reason under the sun about why you should quit. However, if you have ever tried to quit smoking before, you know just how hard it can be. Especially if your surroundings don't offer much support for your quit process. Thankfully, there are new programs and studies occurring every day to help people just like you to quit smoking.

You've heard what happens to you if you smoke from studies done in the past: Smoking can cause lung cancer, as well as other cancers. Secondhand smoke can cause issues in your family and pets around you such as lung cancer and other lung issues. If you are female, smoking can reduce your estrogen levels, and accelerate the thinning of your bones, making you more susceptible to osteoporosis. Smoking can even increase your chances of developing mental disorders such as dementia.

Here is something you probably haven't heard: You -can- quit. It is possible. Smoke cessation classes and studies are bringing new options to the table each day. There are therapies available, such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), where you replace smoking with a healthier habit, without going through the nasty withdrawals that can come along with this process. Medications are also being used to help along the process of quitting. There are also support groups available for those looking to quit smoking. You are not alone in this fight against smoking.

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