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Sunday 18 November 2012

How Fashion and Beauty Helps Improve Your Mood and Self Confidence

They say that the holidays cause people to experience depression and perhaps it is because of the expectations that the holidays bring. If you’re struggling with feeling blue and don’t have family members around to make plans with, perhaps it is time to make your own holidays merry and bright by spending time with friends and experimenting with fashion and beauty! By taking the time to focus on feeling and looking your best, fashion and beauty will hopefully improve your mood and your self confidence as well. Little things make all the difference so continue to push forward and enjoy the holidays, which includes shopping! In fact, you could use these NYandCo codes at checkout and save money while investing in new fashionable items.

Try New Makeup for an Enhanced Look –

Sometimes trying something new and enhancing your makeup is exactly what will brighten your spirits. If you’ve been wearing the same makeup for a long time or don’t own or use hardly any makeup at all, perhaps trying a new mascara or fun trend like metallic eyes will bring a smile to your face. Simple changes to a makeup routine will certainly enhance your overall look and make you feel confident as well. Plus you’ll enjoy going out and showing off your new makeup look that will contribute to a radiant appearance.

Switch up Your Wardrobe –

The same goes with your wardrobe. If you have clothing that’s been around in your closet for years try donating some of your older clothing and then afterwards go thrift shopping or head to the mall to buy some new necessities. If you spot an outfit that’s not normally something you would purchase but you like it anyway, why not try it? Sometimes giving a new outfit a shot or buying a few accessories that you normally wouldn’t wear will give you the feeling of newness and excitement. Of course happiness needs to come from within but by adding to a wardrobe you can take care of yourself by dressing in clothing that makes you feel confident and fashionable.

Make Time to Dress up and Feel Pretty –

If you have a fairly busy schedule perhaps you need to tell yourself that it’s okay to dress up and feel pretty occasionally. It’s easy to let your appearance be the last on your mind, but by taking care of yourself and focusing on you, you should begin to feel better when the holidays get you down. After all – you deserve some self love and part of self love is by having fun with fashion and beauty from time to time. If this means buying a new outfit or heading to the mall to get a makeover – do it! Who says that shopping therapy doesn’t help improve a mood? Don’t let the holidays make you sad, but instead embrace all that is around you and take the time to have fun with fashion.

Sierra is a freelance writer and blogger at her blog Ocean Dreams. She sometimes gets blue but fashion often helps improve her self confidence!

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