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Thursday, 8 November 2012

Finally An Upper!

Today is the first day in a long time that I actually smiled. I can't tell you the last time it was like that... way too long. My husband called me bright and early even though we're in the same home! Yes, I only wake up to my cell. He was like "Good morning sunshine"! Ya... for the first time waking me up early I thought it was cute. He knew that he'd have to be calling from the phone, cause if it was from the bed I'd bite and growl! I'm not a morning person.

So I was listening to this song getting ready... and it got me laughing and dancing. I've decided that I'm downloading it and having it as my ringtone. So whenever I'm down I can dance to it. I love the part where the "wiggle" part comes in... cause I literally started to wiggle my butt dancing to it this morning! Yes... I was singing it on the way back from breakfast wiggling my ass! I must be nuts. Well, I'll take an up day whenever I can get them... cause lately they haven't been that often. Pray that it stays an up day.

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