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Monday, 5 March 2012

80Bites Diet: Easy Food Tracking!

It's been a year since my gastric bypass surgery, and I have lost a total of 118Lbs. The weight loss has slowed down quite a bit, as I'm getting closer to my goal weight. I'm currently at 185Lbs, and maintaining that weight. My next goal is to get down to 150Lbs by the end of summer, and I'm willing to try any type of fitness and heath product out there. I was contacted by a company called 80Bites, which is known as the 80 Bites Diet. How it works, is basically the diet says all you need to survive is 80 bites of food for the day. For the normal person, that probably sounds crazy. But for someone like myself, this is quite realistic, as my stomach can only hold about 6oz.

Believe it or not, 80 daily bites equals out to the same quantity that people happily ate, before supersizing and grazing stretched their stomachs! All diets require counting... whether it’s calories, fat grams or points. But bites are the simplest, most natural way to monitor quantity. Bites are just the beginning of this unique program, though.

The program stretches over the course of 12 weeks, where you’ll learn that you really can eat less food, less often, and feel satisfied. They give you tools to rewire your body’s hunger cravings. You’ll stop obsessing about food. You’ll gain balance and lose weight. There's weekly inspiration and tips, which help you keep on track. But the main part of the program... their application that you can download, which helps you count the bites that you take. If you have an iPhone, iPad, iPod, or any Android, you can easily download the application. It's super easy to use, no instructions are needed. Everything records for you in the application, so you can easily see how much you've eaten throughout your progress. Of course it won't show you the foods, calories, or fat, but it helps you stay in the target of only 80 bites per day!

I've been using the application and their program for three weeks now, and I have to say it's quite helpful. It helps you see that you're overeating, and keeps you in the target zone. I haven't lost any extra weight yet, but I have maintained it. I'm looking to be under 180Lbs by the end of this program, and planning to continue to count throughout the summer. Thanks to my 80Bites Diet, my weight should start to drop again soon!

Interested in trying out the 80Bites Diet? It's quite affordable, and actually gets you to open your eyes to what you're eating. Click here to visit them today! Interested in reading their blog? Click here to read their health tips!

Product(s) were provided for the purpose of review. I am not paid to write this review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.


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