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Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Daniel Fast, by Susan Gregory

With it being the new year, there's always all kinds of products out there that talk about good health. I'm someone who likes to read something that's quick, easy, and can be read with many distractions around. For me, many books that I start to read, I don't get past the first chapter. I like to read, but I get easily distracted... so unless I'm hooked right away, it gets tossed to gather dust. The Daniel Fast by Susan Gregory, isn't one of those books gathering dust on my shelf!

"Feed your soul, stregthen your spirit, and renew your body", is what's written on the cover, and the overall look actually captured my eye. If the book doesn't look and feel good, honestly, I wont read it. Yes I know, I shouldn't be that way... I just blame it on my anxiety tendencies. Anyway, back to the book... the book is somewhat okay, as it has a religious flare to it. But I love the collection of daily recipes that the author included. I'm a fan for easy, quick recipes, so right there this book is a bonus. All the recipes are healthy, and something that I would actually make.

What if you could grow closer to God and improve your health in just 21 days? Susan Gregory, “The Daniel Fast Blogger,” has a plan to help you do just that. Widely recognized as the expert on this 21-day fast inspired by the book of Daniel, Susan has helped thousands of people discover a safe and healthy way to fast. The principles you learn from The Daniel Fast will change the way you view food, your body, and your relationship with the one who created you. Includes 21 days’ worth of Daniel Fast recipes!

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