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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Update For This Week

Hey everyone! I'm just home doing some product reviews on one of my favorite adult sites. I got me some new lingerie, and a few other items. I'm so tired and wish I could sleep, but I'm not feeling that great today. My anxiety is acting up again, and I feel like I could have a panic attack. I'm trying to focus on my breathing, but it doesn't seem to help this time.

I went to see the doctor yesterday, and filled her in on everything that has been going on. I have an appointment tomorrow with my new psychiatrist, and I'm actually looking forward to it. I haven't been feeling good lately, as the anxiety and depression is back. Maybe it has something to do with the weight loss, I dunno. Well, mom finally found out that I haven't been working for a while. I accidentally let it slip, when I said I had to be home to receive a delivery! Stupid me... caught in a lie. I just didn't want to worry her, and have her know that I'm going through all this crap again. I really do want to get back to work, but right now the way I'm feeling it's impossible.

So that's my little update for now. I will fill you in tomorrow once I get home from my appointment. Wish me luck!

1 comment :

  1. Love how open and honest you are.... think you'll find me that way as well. Sorry you're feeling crappy. Better days are ahead (ok that's lame but I did want to leave you on a happy note)

    I am your new royal follower from the Wednesday Social Buzz Hop, Hope you'll join our Royal Reality~~ honored to meet your acquaintance
    Lady Bren HRH(Here Reality's Humorous)


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