I'm stressed like there's no tomorrow, and I have no idea what to do. My Prozac has been increased as of today, which I'm feeling a little crappy about, as well as I'm slowly coming off Cymbalta... so I feel like shit from that naturally. Well today was Mr Jingles appointment to have work done, and the quote made me nearly pass out. $1300 for what they have to do, and where in the world am I going to come up with that money? I've been off work because of my illness, and disability has fucked me over. I don't even know if I will have money for rent. Now I'm going to be throwing this vet bill on my credit card, and I have no idea where I'm going to get the money to pay it. I love my fur-baby, and no way would I ever put him down unless he was ill and in too much pain. Thank God that's not the case, but the bill is making me ill.
If by some chance anyone wants to donate and help me out with myself, and my fur-baby Mr Jingles... no words could really explain how thankful I would be. I too am an animal lover and have donated to animal charities in the past... if anyone is able to help out, I'd be so grateful. I'm embarrassed to even ask, but I don't know what else to do.
I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles and I hope you and your cat are doing much better soon! I donated $20 to try and help out. Hang in there! I'm sure things will look better soon! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm really sorry to hear you've been having such a rough patch as well.. I donated what I could; it isn't much, but I hope it helps!