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Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Thinspiration Sunday's (Mid Week Late Edition)

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Join me for Thinspiration Sunday's and create your own weight loss post to help inspire you to keep on track. It can be photos, poetry, recipes, or a diet tip. Make sure to have fun, and good luck!

Yes I know I'm posting this on a Wednesday... sorry for it being late. This will be up all week if you wish to add your link and participate.

5 Crucial Habits to Monitor After Weight Loss Surgery

After weight loss surgery, patients should monitor five crucial habits in order for the medical procedure to be successful. These habits include: eating high protein food; taking vitamins and nutritional supplements; exercising; limiting the consumption of fatty, sugary, and fiber-rich foods; and not overeating.

The patient’s attitude and effort significantly affect the healing process after weight loss surgery and the overall success of the procedure. Toronto gastric bypass doctors and specialists agree that a patient’s active participation after the procedure is just as important as a successful operation.

Eat high protein food
Protein is crucial in the healing process after surgery. Patients must include foods high in protein in their diet in order to help the body in the rebuilding of new tissues and healing of wounds from the surgery. Some foods rich in protein include lean meat, poultry, fish, and eggs.

Take vitamins and nutritional supplements
Since diet restrictions are commonly applied after bypass surgery, there is a potential risk of suffering nutritional deficiency. Doctors suggest that vitamins and other nutritional supplements be included in a patient’s diet to compensate for the missing nutrients.

To maintain the weight they lost from surgery, patients should make exercise a part of their daily routine. Exercise and physical activities are a crucial factor for success, and patients should be motivated and determined to follow through with physical fitness activities. Physical activities help patients burn calories, increase their energy levels, improve their general well-being, relieve stress, build and develop muscles, and even lower blood pressure. Exercise should not be limited to going to the gym or buying expensive workout equipments. Doctors and physicians may be consulted for appropriate exercise techniques after surgery.

Limit consumption of fatty, sugary and fiber-rich foods
There are certain types of food that must be limited in the post-surgery diet. Foods high in fat, sugar and fiber content should be eaten in controlled amounts. The body normally has difficulty digesting fatty foods after surgery. Sugary foods are typically high in fat and calories and limited in nutritional value. Eating these foods should be very minimal. Since after surgery there is less gastric acid in the stomach for digestion, fiber-rich foods like popcorn, bagels and breads must also be limited.

Do not overeat
Because the stomach’s size and capacity to hold food has been dramatically reduced, patients should monitor their eating habits and make sure that all food intake will have a positive effect on their health. Overeating can result to consequences like vomiting, nausea, or weight gain and may even rupture of the stomach. Patients can seek the help of doctors or nutritionists to know which types of foods to prioritize in their diet.

Successful weight loss surgery is a two-way process. Both patients and specialists should help one another. Doctors should readily assist their patients, motivate them, and provide them with the necessary follow-up care. Patients, on the other hand, should be responsible enough in monitoring their lifestyle and habits to reap the full benefits of their surgery.

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