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Monday, 31 January 2011

The Real Skinny on Losing it - Review!

Michelle McKinney Hammond is well-known for her books on relationship advice for single men and women. The Real Skinny on Losing It is her first book about dieting.

The first three-quarters of the book chronicles Hammond’s personal struggles with try to lose weight and believe me, she seems to have tried it all. From Jenny Craig to Weight Watchers to the cabbage soup diet to the master cleanse, she has seen her share of pounds lost and pounds gained back once she went back to her old eating habits.

With an emphasis on attitude and directing your thoughts toward all things positive (she has coined the acronym D.I.V.A.–Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude), Hammond speaks to us ladies like a trusted girlfriend, sharing some of her secrets along the way. She says at one point in the book, “It is not what I put into my mouth but rather what comes out of it that can cause me more damage than I know.”

The final few chapters gets down to the nitty-gritty of a new diet plan, which Hammond calls the Ultimate Diva Diet. She uses information from the science of both the Blood Type Diet and the Abs Diet and combines them with some other principles to creat the Diva Diet.

I have personally tried a few diets and done quite a bit of reading and The Real Skinny on Losing It had some information I had not heard before. For instance, did you know that your body can digest fruit in 30 minutes but when you combine that fruit with other foods, your stomach gets confused and doesn’t know what to do with that fruit so it stores it as fat?

The Ultimate Diva Diet plan does seem a little extreme to me (especially the cleanse she suggests doing before you start) but implementing some of the idea into your routine would assist in weight loss. Over all, the conversation was engaging, new information was brought to light and there were some very good reminders of how our attitudes affect our weight loss (in the author’s words, we have a totally different outlook when we say “I lost a pound” as opposed to saying “I’m fat.”

A copy of this book was provided to me free of charge from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review of the book. I was not compensated in any way for either a good or poor review.

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1 comment :

  1. Have you read Jen Lancaster? Such a Pretty Fat iss one of my faves!

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