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Saturday 3 July 2010

Right now I'm in fuckin hell. Sorry for those who don't appreciate swearing... but the way I feel right now I've earned the right to swear. I started my new pill Cymbalta this morning... and already I'm sick. I took it around 5am since I wanted to try to get some ZZzzz... well I woke up around 9:30am and vomited on the bedroom floor. I feel like shit... my stomach feels like it's on fire... feel so nauseous. I popped a couple Tums, but I think Pepto will become my new friend over the next few days. Anyone else ever tried Cymbalta? I think I will do some research on it now and post some info. I'll bug you crazy Bitches later! Ah... tryin to cheer myself up but doesn't work!

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1 comment :

  1. I tried to post a comment, but the link wasn't showing up on the page for some reason.
    I was on Cymbalta for a couple of years and for my it worked really well, but my psych took me off of it because she thought it was contributing to my mania. It really helped me with all the aches and pains I was having.
    Sorry it's making you sick, that so sucks!


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