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Monday, 1 December 2008

Adopt A Furry Friend!

Adopt-a-thon held over...

The Toronto Humane Society has found homes for 18 dogs, 81 cats, a guinea pig, and a rabbit.
"We can't stop now" said Tim Trow, President of The Toronto Humane Society. "The adopt-a-thon has also been held over". "Never have I seen more fine people come out to help the animals."
So come on down. Adopt a new friend and recieve a wicker dog or cat bed for your new family member as a gift from us this holiday season.

CUTE ANIMALS: The Toronto Humane Society has launched its final adopt-a-thon of the year, offering many cute dogs, cats, snakes, lizards, etcetera up for adoption to good, caring homes. Head on down to one of their two locations or check out their website and receive a free wicker bed with every cat adoption (no free gift if you adopt a unicorn, apparently). Toronto Humane Society (11 River Street or 2802 Victoria Park Avenue ), daily 11 a.m.–7 p.m., FREE.

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