Last night was a pretty nasty fight. I asked Rachid to leave and for the first time he actually started packing some of his things. I am afraid to leave him alone in this apartment... not sure what he will do. I'm afraid he will take Jingles and leave... that's my worst fear. I don't know what to do anymore... God please give me the strength to get through this hard time.
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Friday, 26 September 2008
Feeling Stressed and Sick
It is almost five in the morning and I just woke up. I am not feeling very good... feel like I will have a panic attack. I'm trying to focus on my breathing, but it's not exactly working as good as I want. I know this is all due to the stress Rachid is causing me. I can't do this anymore... it's making me sick.
Last night was a pretty nasty fight. I asked Rachid to leave and for the first time he actually started packing some of his things. I am afraid to leave him alone in this apartment... not sure what he will do. I'm afraid he will take Jingles and leave... that's my worst fear. I don't know what to do anymore... God please give me the strength to get through this hard time.
Last night was a pretty nasty fight. I asked Rachid to leave and for the first time he actually started packing some of his things. I am afraid to leave him alone in this apartment... not sure what he will do. I'm afraid he will take Jingles and leave... that's my worst fear. I don't know what to do anymore... God please give me the strength to get through this hard time.
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