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Monday, 18 August 2008

It's Been A While

It's been a few days since I've written in my blog. I've actually been enjoying myself for a change... went out instead of staying home feeling sorry for myself. I saw a movie on Friday... The Pineapple Express. I have to say that it was hilarious and once it comes out on video it will be part of my dvd collection!

Yesterday I went to the CNE and had a wonderful time. My feet are killing me from all the walking that I did... but that is good to get some exercise. I was for the longest time staying home and didn't go out at all. I put so much weight on being depressed and feeling sorry for myself. I am finally ready to move on with my life... one without Rachid. I've been saying this... but this time I actually mean it. I'm done giving chances thinking he will change... you can't change someone. I am still young and have my whole life ahead of me... one without him in it.

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