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Thursday, 21 August 2008

All I Can Ask For

I'm here waiting
Impatiently, eyes full of tears,
The other day you said you loved me
You said it perfectly clear.

Now, today's a new day
And you're not here by my side,
Now everything you told me
Just feels like pain and lies.

You said you would be here forever
Was that just a lie, too?
You made promises you couldn't keep
I had all my faith in you.

You took off with my heart
And life inside your hands,
I'm left empty and incomplete
Why can't you understand.

You let me down
When my hopes were high,
I try to smile
But I always sigh.

I'm left alone
With all this pain and misery,
Your love is all I ask for
Why can't you see.

You loved me for who I was
Not for who I tried to be,
You were the best thing that ever happen to me
You'll always be inside of me.

We've been through too much
For you to push me away,
I'll always love you no matter what
It will never fade away.

By Kimberly

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