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Monday, 28 July 2008

Sunny Sunday

Yesterday was awesome! I went out with my friends Ayesha and Alex, and we went up north to the lake. We went to lake Simcoe where I used to swim many summers ago. It was peaceful, warm and a lot of fun. Alex was sweet enough to bring biriyani with him, which I have to say was orgasmic, and also treated us to a slushy later on in the day. It was too bad that they didn't bring bathing suits, as I was wearing mine. I didn't swim though since I didn't want to be the only one in the water.

Later on in the night Ayesha had the crazy idea of wanting to go to a strip club. Both her and I have never gone... so of course Alex decided to stop by Imran's work which was close to the club, and dragged him along. Had a couple drinks... played pool... but I have to say that the strip club sucked ass!

As usual Rachid was calling my cell bitchin and complaining, but I didn't let it ruin my time. It's time to live my's time to live again.

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