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Friday 25 July 2008

BMI Manual Calculation & Chart

1) Take your weight and multiply by 704.7

2) Take that number and divide it by your height squared (see below)

height squared:
5'0" = 3600
5'1" = 3721
5'2" = 3844
5'3" = 3969
5'4" = 4096
5'5" = 4225
5'6" = 4356
5'7" = 4489
5'8" = 4624
5'9" = 4761
5'10" = 4900
5'11" = 5041

3) The remaining number is your BMI

4) Now look below to find how you measure up:

Emaciated = UNDER 15 BMI
Anorexic = Under 17.5 BMI
Underweight = Under 19 BMI
Normal = 19 - 24 BMI
Overweight = 25 - 29 BMI
Obese = +29 BMI

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