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Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Well the week is half over and still no job. At first it was nice having some time off, being able to relax and sleep in. Now I'm just plain bored being at home. Hmmm...I hope tomorrow will be a better day. Friday I have a phone interview with GE (Generel Electric), for a call center position. With my luck I'll fuck that up...but I'm keeping fingers crossed that I get that. I am at the point where if I don't get something very soon I will be fucked for bills. I'm a good worker...why are there no good jobs available right now?!

Rachid worked early today so at least it's been quiet. He should probably be home soon though. Boo to his crazy arabic music that i really really don't want ot listen to! I love arabic's just I hate the artist that he always listens to. He likes this band which is just a bunch of old men drinking and banging on drumbs. You can tell they sound drunk...can't carry a note! I think the band is called something like Tagazout...I'm sure I spelled it wrong! I prefer woman arabic Sherine, or Elissa...people who actually can carry a tune!

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