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Monday 23 June 2008

Tomorrow is Monday and the month is almost over. I'm starting to worry about how much my last pay from Bell will be. I owe about $800 on my visa and I really want to finish that off. I'm praying that TD will call me either tomorrow or Tuesday to say that I got the job. It would be nice if they said I start next Monday...I can dream can't I?!

Tuesday is my mom's I might be going to her house tomorrow night to sleep over. I think we'll be going out for dinner or lunch. Usually for birthdays we go to Jack Astors since we get a birthday coupon every year. The coupon is always for a free meal for the birthday person. Great huh? Ah...but we still pay a hell of a lot to go out!!! Since I have been out of work I haven't bought her anything. I think I will make a card tomorrow...draw something pretty. I will give her a frame with Mr Jingles in it! She has to have a picture of her cute baby grandson-kittie!

Well it's time to hit the sack...I want to get up at a half decent time tomorrow.

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