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Thursday, 5 June 2008

Check Out This Awesome Health Site!

For all those faithful readers of my blog who are struggling with an eating disorder...whether it's due to over-eating, or not eating...have I found a great site for you! I came across this awesome site: Naked Nutrition Network. Not only does this site inspire me to get into shape for the summer, but it has so much nutritional information.

I am someone who has struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I have always yo-yo'de up and down, and have tried almost every diet known to man! When it comes down to it...nutritional foods and exercise are the best combo! A great article that discusses in further detail on the Naked Nutrition Network. There are articles that are added on a regular basis from nutritionists, and they are a great read.

Another nice feature on this site is that they offer a radio station. They post each episode online and what the topic of the day was. You're able to download the files and listen on your own time...quite handy!

While you're on the site make sure you stop and read the blog: Fat Loss Nutrition...
you will find so many awesome and helpful posts. Not only are these posts on dieting, nutrition and exercise...but it's on many other topics that deal with your health.

So ladies and gentlemen...don't forget to check out Naked Nutrition Network...
it will be a new fav of yours!

PS - If this photo below which was taken from the site doesn't inspire you...then I don't know what would?!!!

Sponsored by Naked Nutrition Network

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