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Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Fuckin Sick

I'm so incredibly sick. I've gone through two boxes of Kleenex, two big jugs of orange juice...what the fuck. I haven't been sitting at the computer for a few nose doesn't stop running long enough for me to enjoy being here. I went to work Monday not feeling right...and by the time I was supposed to start working it just hit me. I couldn't stand being there...just felt so sick all of a sudden. I was burning up...that was before the sore throat and the coughing...The second day I was sick as a dog. I just kept getting worse. Now I still feel like shit...I hope that I will be okay by tomorrow to go to work. Hopefully I wont have to take another day off. I just want to get better so that it wont effect me next week when I'm supposed to go see Bon Jovi!!!

Got to go pass out now...head spinning and feel faint.

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