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I'm super excited to announce that I'm finally going to have skin removal surgery! I will be having it done by Dr. Chivers through the Canadian Plastic Surgery Centre and Canadian Dermatology Centre - through one of the Scarborough hospitals.
I've yoyo'd for many years but it's been a long journey, and I'm very close to my goal weight. I'm currently sitting at 160 lbs, with my next goal weight being 150 lbs.
It's been about 12 years since I had gastric bypass, and I've also been on Ozempic for about 12 months to assist with the final weight. In the beginning Ozempic was covered by one of my insurance plans, but since I'm not a diabetic, they discontinued the coverage. I've been using it as maintenance for PCOS, and enjoyed the bonus side of weight loss. I was paying about $280/month through my regular pharmacy, but then found out it was cheaper at Costco for $240/month. I ate the cost for quite some time, but can no longer afford it.
I'm on my last thing of Ozempic, and will be going off of it after this month, and then going onto Metformin. I was on Metformin years ago and had a hard time stomaching it. I was on 500mg 3 times a day, but somehow always forgot my lunch pill. It's just so hard to schedule medication three times a day, and to actually take them all. I have my pills in a weekly/daily planner that is for the morning, lunch, and night... but where do I keep them to make sure I remember to take them? I guess the best place would be my work desk in my room, since I'm here from 8AM - 5 or 6PM Monday - Friday. I would have to try and bring my pill box down for Saturday and Sunday... don't want to accidentally forget those days.
I figure the best thing would be to use the winter months to try and get used to the Metformin, since I wouldn't be going out as much as I would in the warmer months. Hopefully my body will get used to the medication, and I wont have diarrhea like the past. I'm hoping I just have it for the first few weeks or a couple months, and then get used to it and no longer have the Hershey squirts! Or maybe it's a combination of no longer having a gallbladder mixed with the medication, that I have the problem. All I know is that when I plan on going out to do something, I don't eat before going, nor do I have coffee... don't want to shit myself! Metformin and Ozempic do pretty much the same shit... it affects your body on how it breaks down the food, especially sugar, which helps with weight loss.
I find a huge issue for me is not getting enough protein. The more protein I get throughout the day, the less hungry I am, as well as making sure to get enough water. I have a bad habit of not eating breakfast and just having coffee and tea. I've tried to use protein powder in my coffee, but that just clumps in the hot drink. I've tested a few recipes, and finally mastered a yummy concoction for my breakfast caffeine. I will post some of my protein powder recipes including my coffee one shortly.
The surgeon said that I have about 15 lbs of skin to be removed from my mid section - via a tummy tuck/Buttocks lift/Extended Circumferential Panniculectomy, etc. The portion covered via OHIP is called a Panniculectomy, as well as operating room fee, anesthesia, and any meds during my stay at the hospital.
What is an Extended Paniculectomy?
It's a surgery done to remove stretched out, excess fat and overhanging skin from your abdomen. This can occur after a person undergoes massive weight loss. The skin may hang down and cover your thighs and genitals. Surgery to remove this skin helps improve your health and appearance.
So I'm having the extended panniculectomy with diastasis recti repair (insured) and non-OHIP covered umbilicoplasty, mons lift and/or liposuction, Fleur De Lis, Buttocks Lift/Circumferential Panniculectomy.
The total is $27,685. If I got it done without the Buttocks Lift/Circumferential Panniculetomy it would be $16,950. For the same procedure I was quoted $45,000 and no OHIP option... I'm currently debating between getting the full thing done or just the front which is $10K cheaper. Originally I was thinking of using the $240/monthly Ozempic cost and put that into savings for the next year for the procedure. But of course, life happens and my daughter needs treatment from an orthodontist for her bite... that's $3650! Oh well... hopefully half of that will be covered via my work insurance.
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