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Saturday, 28 January 2017

Tips for Teaching Your Toddler How to Share #toddler

Brianna, © 2017
Sharing is a foreign concept to most toddlers and preschoolers. Here's some ways to help your child understand what sharing is all about.

Your toddler's room is most likely overflowing with toys, yet when another child comes over, your daughter wants whatever toy that her friend reaches for. A mini war erupts, and soon the fun and laughter is replaced by tears and tantrums.

Does this sound familiar? I know it all too well... my daughter tried to take another little girls dolly away the other day when we were at the library for a playgroup. Well, rest assured, sharing is a concept that is beyond the grasp of most toddlers. Recognizing why you want your child to share should be considered. Don't insist your child to share because of the embarrassment you feel in front of other parents when your child doesn't share. Don't force the matter... getting angry at them shows children that sharing is just about getting yelled at. Instead, you could try one of the following:

Be a role model. Try practicing sharing with your child at home and make it fun. Tell them that you want to share the couch for a cuddle, or talk about taking turns enjoying an object together.

Start young. From the time your toddler can hold an object, you can teach sharing by passing the object back and forth.While doing this, try saying "my turn, your turn". Learning how to take turns is the first step to sharing.

Time the playdates. When the timer goes off, it's your child's turn to give a toy to her friend, and then she gets it back once the timer goes off again. They will start learning that giving something away isn't for always. You may want to give the other child's parent a heads up before the playdate, so that you know that they're on board. You can make a bit of a game out of it.

Make believe. Try co-operative games that don't involve a single winner... for children 3 and up. Competition isn't bad, however, it's not appropriate for preschoolers.

Finally, try and remember to use descriptive praise when your child shares. Instead of saying something like "you're such a good girl", say something like "did you see the smile on Vivian's face when you gave her your dolly? She really liked it." Doing this draws her attention to concrete details of what she did.

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