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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Teething Chart: & Orajel Coupons!

I came across this awesome teething chart this evening, since I was looking for a coupon for Orajel. My little monkey is almost 14 months, and she already has four teeth. I believe her next set of teeth are trying to pop through, and I'm all out of the Orajel Teething Pain Instant Relief gel. I was super excited to find this chart, and I must say that's it's true so far. It looks as though her upper lateral incisor's are ready to come through any day. I wanted to share this chart for all those moms out there!


  1. That's very informative. Thanks for sharing the chart. Yes the mom's are always worries about child first teeth and this is good. If we have the detail earlier.

  2. Yes, that is a very informative post. Thanks for sharing!


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