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Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Thinspiration Sunday (LATE): My Weekly Weigh In & Some Mom & Baby Exercise Moves!

Join me for Thinspiration Sunday's and create your own weight loss post to help inspire you to keep on track. It can be photos, poetry, recipes, or a diet tip. Make sure to have fun, and good luck!

Today's weigh in: 183Lbs

Since last Sunday I haven't lost any further weight. I'm sad regarding it, but still positive that it will be a better week. I originally had planned on walking to work daily, however, the babysitter was arriving later that I had hoped. I ended up getting a ride with my mom (babysitter) so that I wouldn't be late. I ate healthy most of the week, and made a point of recording everything that I put in my mouth. I didn't gain any weight, but I was able to maintain it. What am I doing differently this week? Well, on the days that I've been busing it to work, I take the stairs through the subway stations. I also get off the bus a few stops early so that I can walk a bit towards work. I also made a point of getting up every 30 minutes from my desk, to make sure that I stretch my body. I also go for a walk every 2 to 3 hours, which includes a washroom break and a breast pumping session. Since I'm new it's a little hard to get up every hour to go for a walk... ideally it would be great if I could go for a walk hourly.

One thing that I will try over the next week, is to stand and do stuff while I'm at my desk. Now of course when it's super busy I can't do this, since my desk doesn't raise. I would only be able to do this if it's somewhat slow.

I have noticed since I've started this job, my co-workers buy their food quite often. I would LOVE to eat the stuff that they eat, but I know that if I do, the pounds will go on quick. In past jobs I used to order in with everyone else, and that's where I put a huge portion of my weight on. I don't ever want to go back to being that size, so I make sure that I bring my lunch every day. I pack it the night before, or I will be too tired to do it in the morning... plus I'd be rushing too much.

My usual meals for work are:

Flax Plus Cinnamon Cereal by Nature's Path Organic (1 cup, no milk)
Light cheddar cheese 1 serving

Baby carrots (1 cup)
Hummus (3 tbsp)

Greek yogurt

I only drink water at work!

I like to wait and eat my breakfast at work, especially if I'm busing it. With having the gastric bypass surgery in the past, I never know if some foods end up getting dumped. What I eat one day, can easily get dumped the next.

Since I've had a baby and she's going on 7 months, she's always around. What better way to get some exercise in, than to use the little munchkin in the activity. I came across some great workout moves that involve your little one, and below you get a preview of some of the moves. Click this link to be brought to the original post on the website Skinny Mom.

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