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Monday, 16 November 2015

Day 3 of Brianna Starting Food... my Baby is Growing!

Brianna, © 2015
My little Munchkin is now four months old, and she's growing so fast. I look back at pictures from when she was just born, and she looks so tiny. My cutie amazes me each day, and is getting smarter day by day. Just last week she had her four month pediatrician appointment, and got her second set of shots... poor baby cried. The doctor said it's time to start introducing some foods, which has been fun so far.

The first food of choice is butternut squash! We are currently on day three of giving it to her, and she's loving it. So far it doesn't appear to bother her one bit... no allergies to it. With it being fall and in season, I thought squash is the perfect thing to start with, plus it's quite mild and slightly sweet. Yes, I decided to stick to making my own baby food... cheaper and healthier than buying anything prepared. I will most likely share any recipes that I create in the near future. I will be feeding her a new food every fifth day, that way she sticks to one food for four days to monitor for allergies. The easiest way of keeping track of everything, is to just share it on here... kind of keeping a little food diary. I think next, she will try green peas!

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