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Sunday, 27 July 2014

The failsafe DIY route to super-spotless legs (because it’s time for their summer debut!)

So summer is here and you've got those legs all super-smooth and ready to bare. But what about all the little nicks and spots and marks that have accumulated on your gams over years of mosquito warfare, shaving mishaps and ingrown hair battles? Wouldn’t you rather show off a pair of flawless pins? Yes? Start with these DIY recipes (alternate them on a twice-weekly basis), follow up with a few tricks of the makeup trade, and voila… your legs are all set for short skirts and swimsuit season!

Spotless legs step #1: The DIY coffee-mint scrub

Coffee’s caffeine content boosts circulation while drawing out impurities and excessive liquids to firm up the skin; brown sugar is an excellent deep cleanser and exfoliator that lifts away dead and dry skin to reveal a fresh glow; peppermint oil boosts circulation and adds radiance to dull and ashy skin; and grape seed oil is a potent antioxidant and astringent, which makes it good at toning and tightening the skin, while refining the pores.

You will need

1/2 cup coffee grounds
1 tbsp brown sugar (or coarse white sugar)
2 oz grape seed oil
8-10 drops peppermint oil


1. Pour the coffee, sugar, peppermint oil and grape seed oil in a bowl; mix well.
2. Rub the mixture into your legs, thighs and buttocks using circular motions to exfoliate. I normally do this in the shower, right before switching on the water.
3. Scrub for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.

Spotless legs step #2: Papaya and pineapple leg mask

Both these fruits overflow with natural fruit enzymes (AHAs) that slow off dead, pigmented and scarred skin cells; honey is a natural humectant that moisturizes your skin; lemons have natural bleaching properties; while both aloe vera and cocoa butter are potent skin healers that also help fade any residual cuts and marks.

You will need

1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
1 cup fresh papaya pieces
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp aloe vera gel or cocoa butter


1. Blend together the pineapple, papaya and honey until smooth; add the lemon juice and mix well.
2. Apply the mixture evenly over clean legs and thighs; leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse.
3. Massage in a thin layer of the aloe vera gel or cocoa butter over the freshly cleansed skin.

What are some of your secret tricks to making your legs look awesome?

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