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Friday, 27 September 2013

What to Wear: Fashion Do's and Don'ts For That First Date

Photo by Flickr user stilettobootlover_83
Preparing for a first date is as nerve-wracking as it is exciting. Add "What should I wear?" to the list of things to consider, and you just upped your stress level. First impressions are everything, so follow these do’s and don’t’s to ensure you look your best for your special night.

Don’t Wear Something Trendy if It Doesn't Look Good on You

While looking trendy may be important to some girls, what is most sexy is rockin’ something that looks good on your body type and attests to who you are as a woman. Any date would rather have a woman wear something she loves than something she's not comfortable in. Confidence is sexy.

Do Wear a Killer Pair of Shoes

Not every woman loves heels, and a pair of boots can look just as sexy. Wear something that evokes confidence without looking like you tried too hard. Opt for something in your closet as opposed to new shoes, in case you'll be doing some walking. Comfort is key, despite what any fashion magazine tells you. If you're not typically a girl who wears heels, then don't. Don't present something to a first date that isn't you.

Don’t Show Too Much Skin

Photo by Flickr user stilettobootlover_83

C’mon girls, the boys don’t want to see all the goodies that first night. Leave a little to the imagination. Mystery is sexy. Not only do you not want to send the wrong message, but if you want to look like bring-home-to-Mom material, wear something sexy but smart. Leave him wanting more.

Do Wear an Outfit That Matches Your Personality

During a first date, he is trying to discover who you are. By wearing something that attests to that, you allow your personal style to shine through on your date. Choose something from your closet that you know you’re comfortable in. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. If you normally wear glasses, wear them; if you prefer contact lenses, go with those. Be yourself.

Photo by Flickr user Martina Rathgens

Don’t Overdo the Makeup

After all, your date wants to see you for you. He doesn’t want to see tons of makeup. Play it safe with light makeup that complements your best features, whether that's your eyes, cheekbones or lips.

Do Wear Black

Photo by Flickr user Maegan

If you're lacking confidence or just don't know what to wear, opt for that little black dress. Accessorize it in a way that shows your date who you are. Add a colorful scarf or an edgy studded belt. Pair it with cowboy foots or cute ballet flats. Whatever feels right for your style is what you should wear for your first date, each and every time.

1 comment :

  1. Yes, one of the main reason that people mess with the trend is that they go for whatever the trend which come in no matter weathers it’s going to suit or not.


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