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Sunday 14 July 2013

Surfdogz: Wall Racks to Turn Your Sporting Goods into Decor!

Whether home is an expansive mansion or a tiny apartment, the occupant is frequently faced with the need to find some place to store large sports equipment. The smaller the space, of course, the tighter the fit. Decorators sometimes go to considerable lengths to conceal things, but there is another option. Some items, particularly those that offer some decorative interest, can become a part of the decor.

Surfboards, for example, are things of beauty over and above their utility. Their streamlined form and attractive color schemes can add a great deal to the ambiance of a home, but just standing a board in the corner is probably not the right choice. Apart from the possibility of damage to the board, the look is untidy, as if the board were just a piece of junk deposited any old way rather than a cherished tool and a beautiful object.

One of the better options for surfboard storage is a horizontal rack attached to "dead" wall space like that behind a sofa. One or more boards centered over the seating turns the place into a surf den, the retreat of an aquatic athlete unashamed of the sport and its equipment. Surfboard racks have a rhythm of their own that adds to the decorative effect. For the best surfboard wall racks choose, and live full time in the atmosphere of the sport.

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