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Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Last month, I was introduced to a super-special lose-weight-as-you-eat dish. Called konjac... Losing Weight: The (Super Easy) Japanese Way. It’s a Japanese root vegetable that’s incredibly low in calories – 3 calories per 100 grams (considering 100 grams of cucumber have 10 calories, this is really, really low). When you mix it with a little water, konjac transforms into a gel-like substance that traps fats, sugars and other toxins. Plus, it’s the highest natural source of fiber, which makes it quite filling. The best 1-2-3 diet punch one could ask for!

Konjac Losing Weight: The (Super Easy) Japanese WayKonjac is available in several different forms, including a tofu-like block, glass noodles and supplements. But what I like best is that it’s pretty tasteless, so you can mix in an assortment of flavorings and really make the dish your own without worrying about the calories. Yay!

Have you ever tried konjac? What’s your lose-the-excess-pounds food? Spill!

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