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Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Tips for Glowing Skin!

Here's a small list to help you score glowing, beautiful skin...

Drink your salad.
Try an antioxidant filled green smoothie, which will help detox your body, and give your skin a boost from the inside out.

Kimmie's Green Smoothie

1 1/2 - 2 cups of cold water (depends how thick you want smoothie)
4 cups chopped fresh spinach
4 cups chopped fresh romaine lettuce
4 sprigs of celery chopped
1 apple, cored and chopped including skin
1 pear, cored and chopped including skin
1 medium banana chopped
1-2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
fresh mint and ginger to taste

Use a food processor or a strong blender to whirl the above ingredients together. If you want the smoothie more of a frozen one, then freeze the banana, apple and pear prior to making.

The spinach is high in calcium, which is a great dairy substitute. The romaine lettuce is fairly high in protein, the celery contains B1, B2, B6, and C. The apple and pear are both rich in fiber, and contain vitamin C, E, and K. With the addition of banana, it makes this high in potassium.

With the summer months here, the sun, lack of vitamins, possible poor skincare habits and crazy hormones, can lead to problem, dull skin. You can start to get your glow back by exfoliating to help remove the dead skin cells as well as stimulate new ones. Try an exfoliant that has a base of sugar or salt, or even synthetic beads. You could try products that have retinol, alpha-hydroxy acids (glycolic or salicylic). Be sure to go gentle at first, not to use more then twice a week, especially if you have sensitive skin. Freshly exfoliated skin absorbs moisturizers and serums easier.

Hit the Gym
If you're someone who visits the gym at least three times a week, will find that it's a great way to work up a healthy glow. Not only does sweat due to exercise help cool your body, the blood pumping to your skin leaves a healthy flush on your cheeks. Make sure you exercise makeup free and drink plenty of water throughout the session. Hit the shower as soon as you're done, to make sure that you wash away all dirt, to reveal a fresh complexion.

Get Your Beauty Sleep
Most people that are sleep deprived look less attractive. Try to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, and add an extra boost by using a hydrating night cream to your evening routine. Be sure to power off anything in the room where you will be sleeping at least an hour prior to bedtime (TV, laptop, computer, all the lights, and most importantly your cell).

Block the Sun
When you're heading outside, whether it's to take the dog for a walk, or for a run, be sure to be covered from head to toe with a broad spectrum SPF that protects you from the sun's harsh rays. It is recommended that you wear an SPF of at least 15. Choose a sweat and water resistant formula when possible. Read all labels to make sure application is done correctly. Apply the sunscreen at least 15 minutes prior to going out, and most importantly... reapply the sunscreen often.

It is important to drink a lot of water on a hot day. Most would need about nine cups of water a day during a heat spell, in order to feel properly energized, regular temperature, and to stay fully hydrated. Keep in mind that you're able to eat your H2O... water-rich foods like: watermelon, tomatoes, grapefruit, cantaloupe, cucumber, strawberries, all contain 90% water when eaten raw.

Remove Makeup
Are you someone who wakes up with your makeup under your eyes? Your makeup from the day before can wreak havoc on your eyes and face. Sleeping with makeup on can cause allergic reactions, eye irritation, acne breakouts, dry and flaky skin. If you're someone who's lazy at removing makeup, stock up on makeup towelettes... they're quick and easy, and will leave your skin fresh and clean.

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