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Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Seven Basic Life Skills Every Woman Should Know

Growing up isn't without its pains, but by the time a girl becomes a woman, she should have several basic abilities under her belt. Some of these seem obvious, while others aren't so self-evident. Here are seven life skills every woman should know.

Write a Sincere Thank You Note

Nothing says “grown up” like a well-personalized thank you note. If someone has gone out of their way to do something nice for you, you should go out of your way to make sure they know how much you appreciate it. With that in mind, don’t exaggerate or ramble, or refer to specific amounts of money, advised by Southern Living. Instead, hand-write a note that thoughtfully tells them how much their gift or favor means to you.

Perform the Heimlich Maneuver and CPR

Knowing what to do in an emergency is an invaluable skill, and could save lives. Neither the Heimlich maneuver or CPR is terribly difficult to learn, but both aren't intuitive, so taking the time to make sure you know how to perform them is imperative. The Red Cross offers classes that deal with comprehensive emergency first aid, but if you just want the basics, check out a site like WebMD. For first aid and choking information, head to the Mayo Clinic for a brief crash course.

Make a Budget

When it comes to creating a budget, there are really just a few tricks you need to learn. CNN Money offers the following three-step process for starters: identify how much you’re spending now, set financial goals based on long-term objectives, and establish guidelines which you’d like to stay within.

Protect Personal Information

In a day and age where identity theft is becoming more common and even being perpetrated against children, it is more important than ever to protect against it. The Federal Trade Commission offers multi-step advice about what to do in case of identity theft, but a better bet is to be proactive. Some companies, such as LifeLock identity theft protection services, monitor your identity and protect against the illegal use of your personal information.

Write a Great Cover Letter

According to Forbes, today’s cover letter is almost always an email rather than a hard copy, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be formal. Tell a story or a joke to grab your potential employer’s attention, and mention mutual contacts or references whenever they are applicable. Always proofread, and avoid common email conventions such as “u” instead of “you.”

Unclog a Drain

Clogged drains are simply the worst. They are hard to take care of and can really cramp your style, especially when you’re in a hurry. It is beneficial to know how to take care of one relatively quickly, without specialized help. If you’re a true superhero, do it without nasty chemicals: ABC News offers a recipe that uses only baking soda, vinegar and boiling water.

Drive an Automatic

Driving an automatic isn't the easiest skill to master, but it’s well worth it. Although you have to go out of your way to find a new car that has a stick shift, many older cars still do. Whether you buy a used car, borrow a friend’s, or have to drive whatever is available in an emergency, knowing how to operate a manual transmission is an invaluable skill. The reputable guys from Car Talk recommend enlisting the help of a friend with a stick, and finding several hours and a nice, flat place in which to practice.


  1. I agree with all of them, but especially the clogged drain. Numerous times when I was living with a few roommates I had to come to the rescue.

  2. Very precious highlight.. Yes, as a woman there is a lot of responsibilities in managing their lives and family, so it is really important to be aware of them and act accordingly..


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