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Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Yesterday I was swatching Chanel’s new summer nail polishes when hubby calls and says we have to go for a formal dinner. And then I realize there is not a single drop of nail polish remover in the house.

So, nails covered in 4 different colors that needed to come off ASAP, it was time to risk this really strange tip I had once heard backstage at Paris Fashion Week: spritz some perfume on a cotton ball and use it to wipe away the nail polish. And know what, it took a couple of minutes of wiping but the nail polish came off completely!

Apparently, perfumes contain ethyl acetate – which is also a key ingredient in most nail polish removers. I used Giorgio Armani’s Acqua di Gioia though you can pick and choose from whatever takes your fancy Wouldn't recommend this as a daily regimen though. Not only is perfume more drying than most good nail polish removers but the latter also cost a lot less!

What’s your secret remove-nail polish-in-a-pinch tip?

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